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In order to standardize procedures to evaluate and improve the health department in each center we have developed this certificate. The certificate is based on the study, observation and improvement of 5 areas through an audit carried out by The Apple Project. The maximum score of each area is 5 stars. Each area is divided into 5 subareas.
The fulfillment of each of these sub-areas will count as a complete star of the certain area.
Finally, in each certificate the average of compliance of all the areas and the detailed analysis of each area will be given.
General health awareness protocol1-Annual audit of the center 2-Guidelines and recommendations for relatives 3-Guidelines and recommendations for students 4-Guidelines and recommendations for teachers 5-Publication and distribution of healthy school regulations
Specific protocol for detection, prevention and monitoring of childhood overweight and obesity"1-Evaluation of health status of students 2-Process of identification of students at risk 3-Program of direct action on students at risk (and relatives) 4-Tracking program for students at risk 5-Multidisciplinary program from the different areas of the school
Guide protocol on eating habits1-Do not sell in the school (vending machines or cafeteria) unhealthy products 2-Ban industrial products and highly processed foods (pastries, cookies, sugary juices, burgers ...) in the school area (breaks /birthdays / holydays /extracurricular activities...) 3-Generate food alternatives for breaks 4-Publication of tips and recommendations on healthy eating habits in the school area 5-Nutritional recommendations to complete the rest of the meals of the day
Protocol about physical activity/ inactivity and Recommendations1-Control of physical (in)activity inside and outside the center 2-"Screen" time control by recommendations of a responsible use of mobiles and tablets 3-Promotion of "free play" time at home 4-Promotion of outdoor activities 5-Tips to parents to occupy the free time with their children (Offline activities)
Protocol of healthy school meal1-Certified Organic food 2-No fried but steamed, grilled or baked food 3-No added sugar 4-Food without additives or preservative 5-Correct distribution of food and healthy desserts during the week
The Apple Project offers also the possibility of an external audit service (without having contracted other services) in which we provide the certificate of your center based on the areas mentioned above. Thanks to this, you can give more detailed information to parents about the philosophy and commitment of your center about the health of the students.
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